Education Resources
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Carbohydrate Counting
Series of videos from the Jenny Lind Children's Hospital for children with type 1 diabetes on carb counting
Diabetes Information in Other Languages
Diabetes UK currently have diabetes information in certain different languages via this link
Do you know the 4 Ts of Type 1 diabetes?
Too many children and young people are not diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes until they are in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a life-threatening condition that requires urgent medical attention. It’s a frightening time for everyone involved.
Your child and diabetes Guide
Having a child who has diabetes can be tough sometimes. Your child will probably have to take insulin to treat it. They'll either use a pen or a pump and will eventually be able to do this by themselves with your help.
Diabetes in Schools
We believe that every child with diabetes deserves the same education and experiences at school as their classmates
Type 1 essentials for children and young people
Only six per cent of children and young people, whose checks are being recorded, are getting all of the recommended diabetes care, services and support they are entitled to. So it comes as no surprise that over 85 per cent of children and young people over the age of 12 have blood glucose levels higher than the recommended targets. That’s why we want to make parents, young people, healthcare professionals, parliamentarians and commissioners aware of the support that all children and young people who have Type 1 diabetes should be receiving.
DKA prevention at diagnosis
This workstream aims to identify and share best practice and resources in preventing DKA at diagnosis of diabetes in children and young people
British Heart Foundation ‘Physical activity in the early years’ fact sheets
British Heart Foundation ‘Physical activity in the early years’ fact sheets
General guidance concerning diabetes and fitness
General guidance concerning diabetes and fitness
NHS Change4life tools
NHS Change4life tools
NHS Choices ‘Physical activity guidelines for children and young people’
NHS Choices ‘Physical activity guidelines for children and young people’
Outdoor Adventure Activity and Type 1
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Therapeutic Exemption - Is your medication banned from sport?
Therapeutic Exemption - Is your medication banned from sport?
World Health Organization Global recommendations on physical activity for health – all ages
World Health Organization Global recommendations on physical activity for health – all ages
World Health Organization Global recommendations on physical activity for health – 5 to 17 years old
World Health Organization Global recommendations on physical activity for health – 5 to 17 years old
Goals of Diabetes
Goals of diabetes education is a structured education programme for children and young people (CYP) with type 1 diabetes. It is designed to facilitate patient-centred learning and enable CYP to gradually take charge of their diabetes over time.
Higher Education Clinic Lesson Plans for 16-18
Whilst studying for the Diploma in Education and Training at Poole College, students from a wide variety of backgrounds and fields of work had to write schemes of work and lesson plans, and deliver assessed lessons or teaching sessions. These were all diabetes based sessions and written for a new Poole College Clinic set up to catch up with students in a transition service who attended the college, but sometimes found it tricky to go to clinic at Poole Hospital.
Injection Techniques
Series of videos on Injection Techniques
The Leeds Insulin Pump Workbook for Children and Young People
Welcome to your insulin pump workbook. It aims to offer background information to support you and your child starting on insulin pump therapy
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Resources for healthcare professionals
FREE support and information packs and leaflets for you to give to your patients
The Schools Programme
Schools Programme developed to provide support and information about type 1 for teachers, school staff, parents and pupils both online and as part of our School Pack
Listen Nutrition - Hazel Riggall
A talk through healthy eating presentation for those with visual impairment and is relevant for people with diabetes, but was devised originally for people with Alstrom Syndrome Produced and recorded at Birmingham Children's Hospital, June 2015.
The Eatwell Guide
The Eatwell Guide shows how much of what we eat overall should come from each food group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet.
PDPEAS (Paediatric Diabetes: Positive Eating, Activity, Self) Working Group
Initiated by a group of dietitians and psychologists, we are developing a new workstream to further develop children and young people’s diabetes care. We are aiming to foster a healthy and enjoyable relationship with food, activity and body image in children and young people living with diabetes, providing the appropriate opportunities and non-judgemental environments to support this. The workstream is developing in response to comments from children, young people and their families, a survey of dietitians and psychologists, a survey of families, and continuing evidence of disordered eating and eating disorders in children and young people living with Diabetes. Multidisciplinary working and consistency are key to supporting children, young people and their families. All professional groups within the MDT will be represented, along with interested stakeholders, so that we can offer a holistic approach.
T1 Resources Website has been put together by people living with diabetes and healthcare professionals to offer a selection of valuable resources that have been reviewed and agreed to be helpful, informative and to offer good support.
West Midlands Network School Training Package
West Midlands Network School Training Package