CYPDN Forum Rules (Terms of Use)
- Use of this Forum is subject to the acceptance of these Forum Rules (Terms of Use).
- This Forum is restricted to NHS staff supporting children and young people with diabetes. Access may be extended to people outside the NHS who work alongside healthcare professionals. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Forum Administrators, and access may be subject to agreed provisos.
- Users will need to register using their NHS email address and their real name. It is permitted and advisable to add detail to your ‘display name’ e.g. Andrea Andrews (St Andrew’s Hospital)
- This Forum is for discussions about the care of children and young people with diabetes. Please ensure all topics posted are relevant to issues experienced in professional practice.
- Please ensure that all posts reflect codes of professional conduct regarding inclusive communication.
- Under no circumstances should confidential patient-identifiable data be shared.
- Individual case histories should only be discussed if all patient-identifiable data is removed. This includes patient age, date of diagnosis, details of family circumstances, ethnicity and any other distinguishing features that may reveal the identity of the patient under discussion. (See Case Study Example below)
- Forum posts may be moved by the administrators if they have been posted in the wrong area. This remains the decision of the Forum administrators.
- Forum posts may be removed if they are very similar to existing discussions. Users are asked to try and keep topics within existing discussions if possible.
- Users may disagree, but are expected to express their disagreement in professional terms and respect the opinions of others may differ from their own.
- Any posts that breach the rules of this forum will be removed by Administrators. This action does not require prior notification.
- Registered users who persistently breach the rules will have access revoked. This will be a permanent action.
Case Study Example
Please be aware that traditional case study presentations usually contain a lot of patient identifiable data. This should not be shared on the Forum. The below is an example of how a normal case study introduction could be re-written to remove identifiable data.
Patient identifiable version
Case study: 9yo male, dx 2017, DKA at diagnosis, HbA1c 86 mmol/mol, on Dexcom
Suggested version for use on forum
Case study: pre-pubertal male, duration of diabetes < 5 years, DKA at diagnosis*, HbA1c > 80 mmol/mol, data available from continuous glucose monitor
*should only be included if relevant to the case issue.