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May 2021 Bulletin


May E-bulletin



Welcome to May’s E-bulletin for the Thames Valley Children and Young People with Diabetes Network. I hope this bulletin finds you all well, although restrictions will soon be lifted, there are several conferences and events coming up over the remainder of the year being held virtually which should make it easier to attend. Our next network meeting will be held on Thursday 27th May 1-2pm via Teams,  and our local representative from mylife will be presenting at this meeting so come along and get any questions you may have answered.



May E-bulletin

  1. Save the date
  2. Thames Valley Network meetings
  3. Conferences Dates 2021
  4. Liverpool Childhood Obesity Conference
  5. 5th Annual National Transition Conference

ESPE 2021 Online

  1. ISPAD 47th Annual Conference 2021
  2. ISPAD Science School for Healthcare Professionals 2021
  3. Diabetes Professional Care Conference
  4. BSPED 48th Annual Conference
  5. Thames Valley Health Psychology Network
  6. Staff Education
  7. Automated insulin delivery – the future is here’ – Sara Hartnell
  8. ACDC Trainees Study Day
  9. BDA Courses
  10. Diabetes UK
  11. Staff Information
  12. Diabetes UK
  13. DigiBete
  14. Virtual School Training Survey
  15. QI Collaborative Website has been launched
  16. New Forum space for all Diabetes Administrators
  17. CYP, Parents and Carers Information and Events
  18. Diabetes UK Virtual Events on Eye Screening, Remission and Eyes.



1.     Save the date

a.       Thames Valley Network meetings

27th May 1-2PM – Network Meeting

2nd June 9-10AM – Lead Nurses Meeting

2nd June 10-10.30AM – Nurse CPD Meeting

28th June 12-1PM – Network Meeting

13th July 9-12AM – Network Meeting

14th July 9-10AM – Lead Nurses Meeting

1st September 9-10AM – Lead Nurses Meeting

22nd September 9-10.30AM – Dietitians Meeting

13th October 9-10AM – Lead Nurses Meeting

17th November 9-4PM – TV and Wessex Network Meeting

9th December 2-3.30PM – Dietitians Meeting


2.    Conferences Dates 2021

b.      Liverpool Childhood Obesity Conference

13th & 14th May 2021

Please see the attached poster or contact Jodie Cockram, Operational Manager, Alder Hey Academy

c.       5th Annual National Transition Conference

10th June 2021, virtual

Transforming Transition ‘Turning Theory into Practice’

This event will be of interest to all professionals working with young people who have a long-term condition, including those with complex needs in a children’s or adult health, hospice, social care or educational setting. See the attached poster and/or contact

ESPE 2021 Online

22nd – 26th September

Due to Covid the ESPE 2020 Liverpool programme has been converted to an online event for 2021, the programme is still being finalising so for now please save the date.

d.      ISPAD 47th Annual Conference 2021

13-15th October 2021 ‘Bridging the Distances’, Virtual

e.      ISPAD Science School for Healthcare Professionals 2021

11-12th October 2021, Virtual

f.        Diabetes Professional Care Conference

10-11th November 2020, Olympia London

The free to attend, CPD-accredited education conference

Currently still scheduled to go ahead

g.       BSPED 48th Annual Conference

24-25 November, Virtual

Abstract submissions now open and will close 8th July 2021

h.      Thames Valley Health Psychology Network

November 2020, Virtual

More information to follow.


3.     Staff Education

a.       Automated insulin delivery – the future is here’ – Sara Hartnell

9th June, 4.30-6pm Virtually via Teams

Led by Sara Hartnell who is the lead adult dietician from the diabetes service at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge. Please contact me if you’d like to attend this seminar.

b.      ACDC Trainees Study Day

18th June 2021 via Zoom

Chaired by Dr Eleri Williams, the day will include Diabesity, sexual health, NPDA, peer review, BPT and Eye screnning. Please see the Agenda for more information.

Please register via eventbrite


c.       BDA Courses

Consolidating dietetic practice

6th July 2021, virtual

New course aimed at those looking to work in a specialist Diabetes role.


Dietetic Practice in Diabetes – the next step

13th July 2021, virtual

Designed for those that have completed consolidating dietetic practice


Coeliac Disease: Further management and its complexities

21st May 2021, virtual

Aimed at dietitians wanting to further develop their knowledge and skills in the management of coeliac disease.


d.      Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK have a range of courses for HCP including emotional wellbeing, clinical championship and discovering leadership. Diabetes UK also lists all masters modules currently available in the UK.


4.     Staff Information

a.       Diabetes UK

Good Diabetes Care in School Award | Diabetes UK

The next round of nomination’s has opened up. Here’s the link to the landing page for the awards, which has the link straight to the new nomination form.


School Award Nomination (

This is the direct link on to the nomination form.

b.      DigiBete

The funding for the Digibete app ended in March 2021. Digibete have requested a further extension from NHS England and I hope to have the answer on this to you soon. In the meantime, please continue to use the app and promote this with your patients. The cost per unit if the extension is not granted from NHS England will be £3 per patient.

I have on file the PDF poster for ‘Making the most out of your DigiBete App’, which highlights the benefits of the App to patients, please email me if you’d like a copy of this.

For anyone wishing to update their training on using the app follow this link:

c.       Virtual School Training Survey

The team at Royal Berkshire Hospital are collecting information on virtual school training. Can one member of each team, please complete the survey by Friday 14th May.

d.      QI Collaborative Website has been launched

This has been made for teams to use both as an instructional resource for QI as well as a platform to share their posters, presentations and other resources. Link to website (will need to register first):

Video tour:

e.      New Forum space for all Diabetes Administrators

There is now a forum space on the national website for anyone that works as an administrator in diabetes teams to be able to ask questions such as NPDA, Twinkle, Diamond etc.

Please register here for the forum first. Once you are registered then I will approve your account and you can post questions.

You can also subscribe to the forum to receive notifications when there are new posts to read or answers to your questions. To subscribe click on the link at the bottom of the forum that reads ‘subscribe to this forum’. Once access has been granted, please use this link to post questions etc.

You can find FAQ’s on the website on how to use the forum.



5.     CYP, Parents and Carers Information and Events

a.       Diabetes UK Virtual Events on Eye Screening, Remission and Eyes.

May 12th

This first event is on the retinal screening programme. It will cover national guidance so will be useful to all people with diabetes but there will be a special focus on the Surrey programme.  The event is aimed at people with diabetes, but healthcare professionals are welcome if they would like an update or further information.


June 9th

This event is on Remission in Type 2 diabetes. A research dietitian from the DiRECT trial will speak as well as Diabetes UK working on the remission area.  It is open to all, whether living with diabetes or healthcare professional.


June 23rd

The last event in the series is on how diabetes affects the eye more generally and will be undertaken by an ophthalmologist from Guys and St Thomas’. It is aimed at all people with diabetes but again interested healthcare professionals are welcome.

Please follow the link for more information on any of these events.