North West
An Individual Healthcare Plan (IHCP) for a Child or Young Person (CYP) for National use
Designed by a subgroup from the Children and Young People’s North West Diabetes Network led by Sandra Singleton this group focused on the design of an ‘Individual Healthcare Plan (IHCP) for a Child or Young Person (CYP) who has Diabetes’
The IHCP can be used alongside the East of England’s Network ‘Guidelines for Schools, Colleges and Early Years Settings’ e-book. This has also been adopted by the Department of Education
The IHCP was reviewed in December 2018 and will be reviewed annually to keep in line with any national or international guidelines changes. *Please note due to Covid-19 the review in December 2020 was delayed and the document is currently under review and will be published shortly
The IHCP was presented to the National Children and Young People’s Diabetes Network in December 2013 following which all regional networks were asked for comments via their Chairs in January 2014. Following this it was endorsed at a national level for national use.
If you would like any further information please contact Margot via email: