Eating Disorders Workshop
The Manchester Eating Disorder Pathway group are planning to host a virtual workshop in May to build on presentations made earlier this year to the Greater Manchester Paediatric Diabetes Teams. This will be a more practical, case study-based event which will be interactive, and discussion based, encompassing our work on developing enjoyable eating with young people and their families, recognising disordered eating, body image concerns and referring to and linking in with eating disorders teams. We have a representative from the Manchester Eating disorders team who will present a case study of her work with a YP with diabetes in Manchester and other members of the MDT will also present case studies.
This event is open to all members of the MDT within the Northwest.
We will ask participants to watch the presentations that were recorded this year (See below) before joining the event as they give background information on eating disorders generally, disordered eating, eating disorders and diabetes, and body image concerns.